You are the hero when
you help your neighbors
You are the hero when
you help your neighbors

Grant Resource Center
Grant writing can be an daunting task if you've never written one. Do not be discouraged! We want you to be successful and receive the funds your organization needs for projects and emergencies. So, we've created this page to help you.
Below is an instructional slide show. This Guide applies to any grant writing effort. OEF's application was designed to be simplier than most, but you will find that once you've written one application... all the others are much easier!
Also, below are links to excellent articles and YouTube videos that were developed by experts in the grant writing field.
Soon, we will add a list of grant opportunities - - non-profit organizations, like OEF, that gives grants to Oregon non-profits, equine-related non-profits, and more. Be sure to like us on Facebook for updates!
Shout out to our volunteer, Christina Smyth, for her research on grant writing.
Hover over the slide show below and use the arrows to scroll through at your own pace.

Grant Writing Articles
The Key Ingredients of a Good Grant Proposal ( powerpoint template could provide inspiration!)
Grant Writing Videos
Grant Writing: Developing & Submitting a Killer Nonprofit Grant Proposal
Project Proposal Writing: How to Write a Winning Project Proposal

Oregon Equine Foundation