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Oregon Equine Foundation Fundraising

Enter the 2019
"Best of Show" Contest

Oregon Equine Foundation sponsors can choose from 4 different packages. Each gives UNMATCHED marketing benefits!

Contact us

for this year's sponsor package.

Party Attendees Are Invited 

To Enter Their BEST

Handcrafted Race Horse!


Feeling creative?  Competitive?  Awesome!

Enter the build-a-race-horse contest and you could win cash AND help our three 2018/2019 nonprofits meet their grant goals. Each has a worthy project that will be funded through an OEF grant. The more we can raise, the more we can help them succeed! 


All entries are donations to the OEF's Win, Place, Show event and will be auctioned off in a PADDLE RAISE - - raising funds for the 3 grants to be given out from the event proceeds.


But... you can win, too! Everyone attending the party will be given a "Best of Show" voting ballot.

There will be ONE winner... "Best of Show"!  Will it be your entry?


Prize is $150 CASH!




  • All entries must be pre-registered using the form below.

  • Deadline for entering is midnight March 1st, 2019.

  • Entering is free, but you must be present to win (so please buy a ticket or have an at-event representative)

  • Bring your Race Horse entry to the event. We will assign it a number when you check-in and a volunteer will tie it to the hitching post.

  • Entries must arrive by 6:00 latest (or you might lose some votes!)

  • Each party attendee will have a voting slip in their registration packet. They will place their votes in the Finish Line Voting Box.

  • Your entry is a DONATION to Oregon Equine Foundation and will be "paddle raise" auctioned off during the evening. So, please understand that you do not own your horse after entering the contest... thank you. Your Race Horse will benefit a well-deserving cause!



    • The Race Horse body must be a pool noodle and the overall length (head and body) no longer than 5 1/2 feet.​ For your convenience, Linda at AJ's Feed & Pet Supplies will have noodles available. They are usually available at Target, too. 

    • Race Horses cannot be motorized!

    • They must not be decorated so heavy that the neck breaks - that would be inhumane!


  • Really really important....​

    • Horses may not be drugged.​

    • Horses may be tested and disqualified if uncontrollable.


Thank you

& Good Luck!

"Best of Show" Race Horse Contest Entry Form

Message sent. Thank you for entering the September 15th OEF Horse Race Contest

Oregon Equine Foundation Annual Fundraiser

More than
fundraising. We're building a strong community.
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